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Businesses for Conservation &
Climate Action


An Indigenous and community-scale business coalition making the case for conservation




What We Do

BCCA partners with community-scale businesses

in farming, aquaculture, fishing, and ranching to bring locally crafted

policy solutions to fruition. 


Progressive Natural Resource Policymaking


Supporting  Indigenous Economic Development

The Business Case for Community-led Conservation

Acknowledging the history of our land & waters

We live and work on Turtle Island, one name given to North America by some of its original inhabitants. We have gratitude for the land and waters that sustain us, and for the original stewards of Turtle Island, whose common worldview is one of reverence and interdependence with land, water, and non-human kin. This worldview continues its expression in the work of many members of our coalition and we’re grateful to be in community together. We acknowledge the disastrous legacy of settler colonialism and its impacts on this land, water, and people. Our work is an effort to repair this legacy, especially when it comes to conservation and climate action. 

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